Program Listing for File computegeometry.hpp#

Return to documentation for file (pymembrane/cppmodule/src/mesh/computegeometry.hpp)

#ifndef __computegeometry_hpp__
#define __computegeometry_hpp__

#pragma once

#include "../types/globaltypes.hpp"
#include "../box/pbc.hpp"

namespace pymemb
    real3 unit_vector(const real3 &v)
        real norm = sqrt(vdot(v,v));
        real3 v_unit = v;

    real3 vector_cross(const real3 &v1, const real3 &v2)
        real3 v;
        vcross(v, v1, v2);
        return v;

    real3 vector_sum(const real3 &v1, const real3 &v2)
        real3 v;
        v.x = v1.x + v2.x;
        v.y = v1.y + v2.y;
        v.z = v1.z + v2.z;
        return v;

    real3 vector_subtract(const real3 &v1, const real3 &v2)
        real3 v;
        v.x = v1.x - v2.x;
        v.y = v1.y - v2.y;
        v.z = v1.z - v2.z;
        return v;

    real3 vector_subtract(const real3 &v1, const real3 &v2, const BoxType &box)
        return (pymemb::minimum_image(v2, v1, box));

    void compute_form_factor_triangle(real *_metric, const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        real3 v12, v13;
        v12 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r2, box);
        v13 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r3, box);
        _metric[0] = vdot(v12, v12);
        _metric[1] = vdot(v12, v13);
        _metric[2] = vdot(v13, v13);

    void compute_form_factor_triangle(real *_metric, const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        real3 v12, v13;
        vsub(v12, r2, r1);
        vsub(v13, r3, r1);
        _metric[0] = vdot(v12, v12);
        _metric[1] = vdot(v12, v13);
        _metric[2] = vdot(v13, v13);

    real3 compute_normal_triangle(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        real3 normal, v12, v13;
        v12 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r2, box);
        v13 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r3, box);
        vcross(normal, v12, v13);
        return normal;

    real3 compute_normal_triangle(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        real3 normal, v12, v13;
        vsub(v12, r2, r1);
        vsub(v13, r3, r1);
        vcross(normal, v12, v13);
        return normal;

    real3 compute_normal_triangle_unit(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        return (unit_vector(compute_normal_triangle(r1, r2, r3, box)));

    real3 compute_normal_triangle_unit(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        return (unit_vector(compute_normal_triangle(r1, r2, r3)));

    real compute_area_triangle_from_vertex(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        real3 normal = compute_normal_triangle(r1, r2, r3, box);
        return (0.5 * sqrt(vdot(normal, normal)));

    real compute_area_triangle_from_vertex(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        real3 normal = compute_normal_triangle(r1, r2, r3);
        return (0.5 * sqrt(vdot(normal, normal)));

    real compute_area_triangle_from_metric(const real *_metric)
        return (0.5 * sqrt(_metric[0] * _metric[2] - _metric[1] * _metric[1]));

    real compute_angle_vertex(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        real3 v12, v13;
        v12 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r2, box);
        v13 = pymemb::minimum_image(r1, r3, box);
        real angle = acos(vdot(v12, v13) / sqrt(vdot(v12, v12) * vdot(v13, v13)));
        return angle;

    real compute_angle_vertex(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        real3 v12, v13;
        vsub(v12, r2, r1);
        vsub(v13, r3, r1);
        real angle = acos(vdot(v12, v13) / sqrt(vdot(v12, v12) * vdot(v13, v13)));
        return angle;

    inline bool is_equiangular(const real3 &r0, const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3, const BoxType &box)
        // We use the notation of Brakke's paper
        // a;      edge length
        // b, c;   lengths of other two edges of triangle 1
        // d, e;   lengths of other two edges of triangle 2
        auto r02 = vector_subtract(r2, r0, box);
        auto a2 = vdot(r02, r02);

        auto r03 = vector_subtract(r3, r0, box);
        auto b2 = vdot(r03, r03);
        auto r23 = vector_subtract(r3, r2, box);
        auto c2 = vdot(r23, r23);

        auto r01 = vector_subtract(r1, r0, box);
        auto d2 = vdot(r01, r01);
        auto r21 = vector_subtract(r1, r2, box);
        auto e2 = vdot(r21, r21);

        if ((b2 + c2 - a2)/(sqrt(b2*c2)) + (d2 + e2 - a2)/sqrt(d2*e2) < 0.0)
            return false;
            return true;

    inline void arrange_vertices_by_smallest(int& v1, int& v2, int& v3)
        int _v1, _v2, _v3;
        if (v1 < v2 && v1 < v3)
            _v1 = v1;
            _v2 = v2;
            _v3 = v3;

        else if (v2 < v1 && v2 < v3)
            _v1 = v2;
            _v2 = v3;
            _v3 = v1;
            _v1 = v3;
            _v2 = v1;
            _v3 = v2;
        v1 = _v1;
        v2 = _v2;
        v3 = _v3;

    void compute_matrix_F(real *F, const real *g_reference_inv, const real *g_now)

         _                                         _     _                     _     _      _
        |   g_reference_inv[0]  g_reference_inv[1]  |   |   g_now[0]  g_now[1]  |   |  1  0  |
    F = |                                           | x |                       | - |        |
        |_  g_reference_inv[1]  g_reference_inv[2] _|   |_  g_now[1]  g_now[2] _|   |_ 0  1 _|
        F[0] = g_reference_inv[0] * g_now[0] + g_reference_inv[1] * g_now[1] - 1.0; //F11
        F[1] = g_reference_inv[0] * g_now[1] + g_reference_inv[1] * g_now[2];       //F12
        F[2] = g_reference_inv[1] * g_now[0] + g_reference_inv[2] * g_now[1];       //F21
        F[3] = g_reference_inv[1] * g_now[1] + g_reference_inv[2] * g_now[2] - 1.0; //F22

    real3 cmassT(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const real3 &r3)
        real3 vcm;
        vcm.x = (r1.x + r2.x + r3.x) / 3.0;
        vcm.y = (r1.y + r2.y + r3.y) / 3.0;
        vcm.z = (r1.z + r2.z + r3.z) / 3.0;
        return vcm;

    void RefMatrixFromCartesian(const real theta, const real *__restrict__ grefCart, real *grefCylin)
        real a = sin(theta);
        real b = cos(theta);
        real grr = b * (b * grefCart[0] + a * grefCart[1]) + a * (b * grefCart[1] + a * grefCart[2]); //grr
        real grt = b * (b * grefCart[1] + a * grefCart[2]) - a * (b * grefCart[0] + a * grefCart[1]); //grt
        real gtt = b * (b * grefCart[2] - a * grefCart[1]) - a * (b * grefCart[1] - a * grefCart[0]); //gtt
        grefCylin[0] = grr;
        grefCylin[1] = grt;
        grefCylin[2] = gtt;

    void RefMatrixFromCylindrical(const real theta, const real *__restrict__ grefCylin, real *grefCart)
        real a = sin(theta);
        real b = cos(theta);
        real g11 = b * (b * grefCylin[0] - a * grefCylin[1]) - a * (b * grefCylin[1] - a * grefCylin[2]);
        real g12 = a * (b * grefCylin[0] - a * grefCylin[1]) + b * (b * grefCylin[1] - a * grefCylin[2]);
        //real g21 = b*(a*grefCylin[0] + b*grefCylin[1]) - a*(a*grefCylin[1] + b*grefCylin[2]);
        real g22 = a * (a * grefCylin[0] + b * grefCylin[1]) + b * (a * grefCylin[1] + b * grefCylin[2]);
        grefCart[0] = g11;
        grefCart[1] = g12;
        grefCart[2] = g22;

    inline bool need_wrapping(const real3 &r1, const real3 &r2, const BoxType &box)
        real3 rij;
        vsub(rij, r2, r1);
        bool _need_wrapping = false;
        if (box.periodic.x)
            if (rij.x > box.Lhi.x)
                _need_wrapping = true;
            else if (rij.x < box.Llo.x)
                _need_wrapping = true;
        if (box.periodic.y)
            if (rij.y > box.Lhi.y)
                _need_wrapping = true;
            else if (rij.y < box.Llo.y)
                _need_wrapping = true;
        if (box.periodic.z)
            if (rij.z > box.Lhi.z)
                _need_wrapping = true;
            else if (rij.z < box.Llo.z)
                _need_wrapping = true;
        return _need_wrapping;