Program Listing for File edge_flip.hpp#
↰ Return to documentation for file (pymembrane/cppmodule/src/mesh/edge_flip.hpp
#ifndef __edge_flip_hpp__
#define __edge_flip_hpp__
#include "../system/systemclass.hpp"
#include "../box/pbc.hpp"
namespace pymemb
inline bool CheckEdgeFlip_lambda(const int flip_edge_index,
HE_FaceProp *faces,
HE_VertexProp *vertices,
HE_EdgeProp *edges,
HE_HalfEdgeProp *halfedges,
const BoxType _box)
// printf("trying to flip the edge =%i\n", flip_edge_index);
// by default the edge can flip
bool can_flip = true;
// retrieve the vertices around the edge
int v0 = edges[flip_edge_index].v0;
int v1 = edges[flip_edge_index].v1;
int v2 = edges[flip_edge_index].v2;
int v3 = edges[flip_edge_index].v3;
int face_k = edges[flip_edge_index].face_k;
int face_l = edges[flip_edge_index].face_l;
//(0) Check that the edge is not a boundary edge
if (edges[flip_edge_index].boundary == true)
py::print("the edge id ", flip_edge_index, " is a boundary edge");
// can_flip = false;
return false;
//(1) first we need to check if we don't destroy the triangulation by flipping the edge.
// This can be done by checking that the connectivity of the edges v0, v2 of the involve edge is
// strictly larger than 3.
int he, first, he_pair, he_pair_next;
int n_neighbors_v0 = 0, n_neighbors_v2 = 0;
// check v0
he = vertices[v0]._hedge;
first = he;
he_pair = halfedges[he].pair;
he_pair_next = halfedges[he_pair].next;
he = he_pair_next;
} while ((he != first));
// check v2
he = vertices[v2]._hedge;
first = he;
he_pair = halfedges[he].pair;
he_pair_next = halfedges[he_pair].next;
he = he_pair_next;
} while ((he != first));
// if (n_neighbors_v0 <= 4 || n_neighbors_v2 <= 4)
if (n_neighbors_v0 < 3 || n_neighbors_v2 < 3)
py::print("the edge id ", flip_edge_index, "vertex the connectivity v0 or v2 is smaller than 3");
// can_flip = false;
return false;
// If that happens then an edge flip might destroy the triangulation.
// If the sum of angles next to each of the two sides of the edge is >= PI
// the flip would break triangulation. We disallow such a move.
// For example, in this case edge cannot be flipped
// 1:X
// * *
// * *
// * *
// 0:X---X:2 <-- This angle is < PI and the edge cannot be flipped!
// * *
// * *
// * *
// 3:X
real3 r02, r01, r03;
r02 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v2].r, _box);
r03 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v3].r, _box);
r01 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v1].r, _box);
real r02_norm_sq = (vdot(r02, r02));
real r03_norm_sq = (vdot(r03, r03));
real r01_norm_sq = (vdot(r01, r01));
real angle_r01_r02 = acos(vdot(r01, r02) / sqrt(r01_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
real angle_r03_r02 = acos(vdot(r03, r02) / sqrt(r03_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
if ((angle_r01_r02 + angle_r03_r02) >= defPI)
py::print("the edge id ", flip_edge_index, " vertex v0 ", v0, " take part of an obtuse triangles");
// can_flip = false;
return false;
real3 r20, r21, r23;
r20 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v0].r, _box);
r23 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v3].r, _box);
r21 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v1].r, _box);
real r23_norm_sq = (vdot(r23, r23));
real r21_norm_sq = (vdot(r21, r21));
real angle_r21_r20 = acos(vdot(r21, r20) / sqrt(r21_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
real angle_r23_r20 = acos(vdot(r23, r20) / sqrt(r23_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
if ((angle_r21_r20 + angle_r23_r20) >= defPI)
py::print("the edge id ", flip_edge_index, " vertex v2 ", v2, " take part of an obtuse triangles");
// can_flip = false;
return false;
return true;
inline bool EdgeFlip_lambda(const int flip_edge_index,
const bool flip_face_up,
HE_FaceProp *faces,
HE_VertexProp *vertices,
HE_EdgeProp *edges,
HE_HalfEdgeProp *halfedges,
const BoxType _box)
// printf("trying to flip the edge =%i\n", flip_edge_index);
// by default the edge can flip
bool can_flip = true;
// retrieve the vertices around the edge
int v0 = edges[flip_edge_index].v0;
int v1 = edges[flip_edge_index].v1;
int v2 = edges[flip_edge_index].v2;
int v3 = edges[flip_edge_index].v3;
int face_k = edges[flip_edge_index].face_k;
int face_l = edges[flip_edge_index].face_l;
//(0) Check that the edge is not a boundary edge
if (edges[flip_edge_index].boundary == true)
// py::print("the edge is a boundary edge\n");
can_flip = false;
// break;
//(1) first we need to check if we don't destroy the triangulation by flipping the edge.
// This can be done by checking that the connectivity of the edges v0, v2 of the involve edge is
// strictly larger than 3.
int he, first, he_pair, he_pair_next;
int n_neighbors_v0 = 0, n_neighbors_v2 = 0;
// check v0
he = vertices[v0]._hedge;
first = he;
he_pair = halfedges[he].pair;
he_pair_next = halfedges[he_pair].next;
he = he_pair_next;
} while ((he != first));
// check v2
he = vertices[v2]._hedge;
first = he;
he_pair = halfedges[he].pair;
he_pair_next = halfedges[he_pair].next;
he = he_pair_next;
} while ((he != first));
// if (n_neighbors_v0 <= 4 || n_neighbors_v2 <= 4)
if (n_neighbors_v0 < 3 || n_neighbors_v2 < 3)
// py::print("the connectivity of the edges v0, v2 of the involve edge is smaller than 3\n");
can_flip = false;
// break;
// If that happens then an edge flip might destroy the triangulation.
// If the sum of angles next to each of the two sides of the edge is >= PI
// the flip would break triangulation. We disallow such a move.
// For example, in this case edge cannot be flipped
// 1:X
// * *
// * *
// * *
// 0:X---X:2 <-- This angle is < PI and the edge cannot be flipped!
// * *
// * *
// * *
// 3:X
real3 r02, r01, r03;
r02 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v2].r, _box);
r03 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v3].r, _box);
r01 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v0].r, vertices[v1].r, _box);
real r02_norm_sq = (vdot(r02, r02));
real r03_norm_sq = (vdot(r03, r03));
real r01_norm_sq = (vdot(r01, r01));
real angle_r01_r02 = acos(vdot(r01, r02) / sqrt(r01_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
real angle_r03_r02 = acos(vdot(r03, r02) / sqrt(r03_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
if ((angle_r01_r02 + angle_r03_r02) >= defPI)
// py::print("v0 and v2 take part of an obtuse triangles\n");
can_flip = false;
// break;
real3 r20, r21, r23;
r20 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v0].r, _box);
r23 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v3].r, _box);
r21 = pymemb::minimum_image(vertices[v2].r, vertices[v1].r, _box);
real r23_norm_sq = (vdot(r23, r23));
real r21_norm_sq = (vdot(r21, r21));
real angle_r21_r20 = acos(vdot(r21, r20) / sqrt(r21_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
real angle_r23_r20 = acos(vdot(r23, r20) / sqrt(r23_norm_sq * r02_norm_sq));
if ((angle_r21_r20 + angle_r23_r20) >= defPI)
can_flip = false;
// break;
if (can_flip == true)
// update the halfedges
int he_vec[6]; // he01, he12, he20, he02, he23, he30;
int he_edge = edges[flip_edge_index]._hedge;
if (halfedges[he_edge].vert_from == v0)
he_vec[3] = he_edge; // he02
he_vec[2] = halfedges[he_vec[3]].pair; // he20
he_vec[2] = he_edge; // he20
he_vec[3] = halfedges[he_vec[2]].pair; // he02
he_vec[0] = halfedges[he_vec[2]].next; // he01
he_vec[1] = halfedges[he_vec[2]].prev; // he12
he_vec[4] = halfedges[he_vec[3]].next; // he23
he_vec[5] = halfedges[he_vec[3]].prev; // he30
// deal with the from, to vertices in the "new" flip edge
halfedges[he_vec[2]].vert_from = v3;
halfedges[he_vec[2]].vert_to = v1;
halfedges[he_vec[3]].vert_from = v1;
halfedges[he_vec[3]].vert_to = v3;
// flip face: this stage is crucial if we want to make the faces diffuse
int new_face_k = face_k;
int new_face_l = face_l;
if (flip_face_up == false) // counter-clock wise
new_face_k = face_l;
new_face_l = face_k;
// deal with the references inside of the halfedges
// he12 > h23 > h20
halfedges[he_vec[1]].next = he_vec[4];
halfedges[he_vec[1]].prev = he_vec[2];
halfedges[he_vec[4]].next = he_vec[2];
halfedges[he_vec[4]].prev = he_vec[1];
halfedges[he_vec[2]].next = he_vec[1];
halfedges[he_vec[2]].prev = he_vec[4];
// faces
halfedges[he_vec[1]].face = new_face_k;
halfedges[he_vec[4]].face = new_face_k;
halfedges[he_vec[2]].face = new_face_k;
// he01 > h02 > h30
halfedges[he_vec[0]].next = he_vec[3];
halfedges[he_vec[0]].prev = he_vec[5];
halfedges[he_vec[3]].next = he_vec[5];
halfedges[he_vec[3]].prev = he_vec[0];
halfedges[he_vec[5]].next = he_vec[0];
halfedges[he_vec[5]].prev = he_vec[3];
// faces
halfedges[he_vec[5]].face = new_face_l;
halfedges[he_vec[0]].face = new_face_l;
halfedges[he_vec[3]].face = new_face_l;
// deal with the faces and references to the halfedges
// face_k
int _v1k = v2;
int _v2k = v3;
int _v3k = v1;
pymemb::arrange_vertices_by_smallest(_v1k, _v2k, _v3k);
faces[new_face_k].v1 = _v1k; // v1;
faces[new_face_k].v2 = _v2k; // v2;
faces[new_face_k].v3 = _v3k; // v3;
faces[new_face_k]._hedge = he_vec[2];
// face_l
int _v1l = v0;
int _v2l = v1;
int _v3l = v3;
pymemb::arrange_vertices_by_smallest(_v1l, _v2l, _v3l);
faces[new_face_l].v1 = _v1l; // v3;
faces[new_face_l].v2 = _v2l; // v0;
faces[new_face_l].v3 = _v3l; // v1;
faces[new_face_l]._hedge = he_vec[3];
// deal with the halfedge references to the vertices
if (vertices[v0]._hedge == he_vec[3] /*he02*/)
vertices[v0]._hedge = he_vec[0]; /*h01*/
if (vertices[v2]._hedge == he_vec[2] /*he20*/)
vertices[v2]._hedge = he_vec[4]; /*h23*/
// deal with the i,j,v0,v1,v2,v3 in the edge list
for (auto he_index : he_vec)
HE_HalfEdgeProp he = halfedges[he_index];
HE_HalfEdgeProp he_pair = halfedges[halfedges[he_index].pair];
int edge_index = he.edge;
edges[edge_index].face_k = he.face;
edges[edge_index].face_l = he_pair.face;
edges[edge_index].v0 = he.vert_to;
edges[edge_index].v2 = he.vert_from;
edges[edge_index].j = he.vert_to;
edges[edge_index].i = he.vert_from;
int he_next =;
edges[edge_index].v1 = halfedges[he_next].vert_to;
int he_index_pair_next =;
edges[edge_index].v3 = halfedges[he_index_pair_next].vert_to;
// printf("flipped edge =%i\n", flip_edge_index);
return can_flip;