Program Listing for File fire.hpp#

Return to documentation for file (pymembrane/cppmodule/src/minimizer/fire.hpp)

#ifndef __fire__hpp__
#define __fire__hpp__

#include <iostream>

#include "minimizerclass.hpp"
#include "../rng/rng.hpp"
#include "../utils/fromstring.hpp"
#include "../potentials/computeforceclass.hpp"
#include "../evolver/evolverclass.hpp"

class MinimizerMeshFIRE : public MinimizerClass
  MinimizerMeshFIRE(SystemClass &system, EvolverClass &evolver) : MinimizerClass(system, evolver)
    m_name = "fire";
    m_type = "minimizer";
  ~MinimizerMeshFIRE() {}

  void set_default_properties(void) override
    m_nmin = 5;
    m_finc = 1.1;
    m_fdec = 0.5;
    m_alpha_start = 0.1;
    m_falpha = 0.99;
    m_ftol = 1e-1;
    m_etol = 1e-3;
    m_energy_total = 0.0;
    m_old_energy = 0.0;
    m_dE = 0.0;
    m_fnorm = 0.0;
    m_dt = 0.005;
    m_dT_max = m_dt;
    m_dT_set = m_dt / 10.0;
    m_run_minsteps = 10;
    m_converged = false;
    m_n_since_negative = m_nmin + 1;
    m_n_since_start = 0;
    m_alpha = m_alpha_start;
    m_max_iter = 10000;

  void update_time_step_parameters(void)
    m_dT_max = m_dt;
    m_dT_set = m_dt / 10.0;
  using MinimizerClass::set_property;
  void set_property(std::map<std::string, std::string> &value_map) override
    for (const auto &item : value_map)
      if ("max_iter") == 0)
        m_max_iter = util::from_string_int(item.second);
      else if ("dt") == 0)
        m_dt = util::from_string_double(item.second);
      else if ("ftol") == 0)
        m_ftol = util::from_string_double(item.second);
      else if ("etol") == 0)
        m_etol = util::from_string_double(item.second);
      else if ("Finc") == 0)
        auto double_val = util::from_string_double(item.second);
        if (!(double_val > 1.0))
          std::string message = "Finc = " + util::to_string(double_val) + ". Fdec need to be greater than 1.0";
        m_finc = util::from_string_double(item.second);
      else if ("Fdec") == 0)
        auto double_val = util::from_string_double(item.second);
        if (!(double_val < 1.0 && double_val >= 0.0))
          std::string message = "Fdec = " + util::to_string(double_val) + ". Fdec need to be smaller than 1.0";
        m_fdec = double_val;
      else if ("AlphaStart") == 0)
        auto double_val = util::from_string_double(item.second);
        if (!(double_val < 1.0 && double_val > 0.0))
          std::string message = "AlphaStart = " + util::to_string(double_val) + ". AlphaStart need to be smaller than 1.0";
        m_alpha_start = double_val;
      else if ("Falpha") == 0)
        auto double_val = util::from_string_double(item.second);
        if (!(double_val < 1.0 && double_val > 0.0))
          std::string message = "Falpha = " + util::to_string(double_val) + ". Falpha need to be smaller than 1.0";
        m_falpha = double_val;

  bool is_satisfied(void) { return m_converged; }
  std::map<std::string, std::string> get_info(void) override
    std::map<std::string, std::string> value;
    value["name"] = util::to_string(this->get_name());
    value["dt"] = util::to_string(m_dt);
    value["ftol"] = util::to_string(m_ftol);
    value["etol"] = util::to_string(m_etol);
    value["fnorm"] = util::to_string(m_fnorm);
    value["dE"] = util::to_string(m_dE);
    value["energy"] = util::to_string(m_energy_total);
    value["n_since_start"] = util::to_string(m_n_since_start);
    value["alpha"] = util::to_string(m_alpha);
    value["is_satisfy"] = (this->is_satisfied() ? "true" : "false");
    return value;

  void reset(void);
  void poststep1(void);
  void poststep2(void);
  void poststep3(void);
  void minimize(void) override;

  unsigned int m_max_iter;
  unsigned int m_nmin, m_n_since_negative, m_n_since_start, m_run_minsteps;
  double m_finc, m_fdec, m_alpha_start, m_alpha, m_falpha, m_ftol, m_etol, m_energy_total, m_old_energy, m_dE, m_fnorm, m_dT_max, m_dT_set;
  bool m_converged;
  double m_dt;
