Box Class#


PyMembrane uses boxes to implement periodic boundary conditions. A Box object is used to represent the simulation box and to wrap coordinates into the box. The box can be controlled with 6 parameters: the box lengths in each direction, and the periodicity in each direction. The box is defined by the lower and upper boundaries in each direction.

Note: All sides of the simulation box have to be orthogonal to each other.

Creating a box#

There are several ways to initialize a Box object. The simplest way is to specify the box lengths in each direction. For example, the following code creates a box with lengths 10, 20, and 30 in the x, y, and z directions, respectively:

  • Box(Lx, Ly, Lz): Initializes the box dimensions. Example: .. code-block:: python

    box = Box(10, 20, 30)

In addition to the box lengths, the periodicity in each direction can be specified. For example, the following code creates a box with lengths 10, 20, and 30 in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, and periodicity in the x and z directions:

  • Box(Lx, Ly, Lz, periodic_x, periodic_y, periodic_z): Initializes the box dimensions and allows specification of periodicity for each dimension. Example: .. code-block:: python

    box = Box(10, 20, 30, True, False, True)

The box can also be initialized using pairs for the lower and upper boundaries in each direction. For example, the following code creates a box with lower and upper boundaries (-5, 5), (-10, 10), and (-15, 15) in the x, y, and z directions, respectively:

  • Box(Lxpair, Lypair, Lzpair): Initializes the box dimensions using pairs for low and high values for each dimension. Example: .. code-block:: python

    box = Box((-5,5), (-10,10), (-15,15))

Box methods#

In addition to the initialization methods, the Box class has several methods that can be used to manipulate or get information from the box

  • scale(): Scale the box by a factors scalex, scaley, scalez for each dimension. Example: .. code-block:: python

    box = Box(10, 20, 30) box.scale(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)

  • volume: Return the volume of the box. Example: .. code-block:: python

    box = Box(10, 20, 30) print(“The box volume is: “, box.volume)


The following attributes are available for the Box class:

  • Lhi: Upper boundary of the box. Example: .. code-block:: python

    upper_bound = box.Lhi

  • Llo: Lower boundary of the box. Example: .. code-block:: python

    lower_bound = box.Llo

  • L: Box lengths in each direction. Example: .. code-block:: python

    length = box.L

  • periodic: Box periodicity in each direction. Example: .. code-block:: python

    is_periodic = box.periodic

Other methods#

  • __repr__(): Returns a string representation of the Box object, detailing its dimensions and periodicities. Example: .. code-block:: python


For further information about the Box class, please refer to contextual help in python:
