Core Components#
PyMembrane operates mainly through two user-facing components: System and Evolver. These classes form the backbone of PyMembrane, and gaining a clear understanding of their operations is vital for users.
System Class#
The System class encompasses five specialized sub-classes:
Three classes that construct the mesh: vertices, edges, and faces.
Two classes that calculate the mesh’s geometrical properties.
Additionally, this class offers functions that facilitate data exportation, enabling visualization and analysis of results.
Evolver Class#
Evolver plays a central role within PyMembrane. It is responsible for controlling the system’s dynamics, coordination of various forces, integrators, minimizers, and constraints. The primary duties of the Evolver class encompass:
Keeping a structured record of Forces, Integrators, Minimizers, and Constraints.
Controlling the system’s evolution by computing energies, applying forces on vertices, executing integrators, and ensuring that all constraints are satisfied.